
Local centres regeneration toolkit

In Autumn 2014 Clear Village was commissioned to develop an online toolkit to support community-led initiatives for Local Centres and High Streets in the London Borough of Sutton. We developed the toolkit together with local traders and residents.

Sutton’s Local Centres and High Streets, much like others in the UK, face the challenge of declining attractiveness, vacant spaces and loss of customers. The aim of the toolkit is to offer guidance to community groups, trader associations and others in setting up initiatives that help address these challenges. These initiatives can include for example organising events, shop window improvements, public realm improvements or setting up a Town Team. In addition to the toolkit, Clear Village developed a communication and engagement strategy to be carried out by the Council.

Although the toolkit is tailored for the London Borough of Sutton, it contains information that is relevant for other places as well. For example, the toolkit contains a selection of case studies of High Street initiatives from around the UK.

The toolkit is accessible here.