Weeknotes 15.04.16

We’re going to start writing weeknotes.. observing and documenting all the amazing things (as well as some of the mundane ones) that happen in a week at Machines Room

On Wednesday night we had what seemed like hundreds of people here for Oscar Lhermitte’s Moon launch – the most accurate lunar globe. You can support his kickstarter here.

Hugh and Ben from Open Desk used the main space to glue up some lovely big cabinets, and Ross has been mocking up transport infrastructures for a client which look really great. You can’t see it in the photo but the Belisha Beacons are 3D printed and the red L shaped things are bumpy so sight-impaired people can navigate the crossing.

Today’s been really busy and fun… Dave has been using his pipe bending tools to make an amazing christmas tree, and Marc is building a cloud watching platform… as you do.

The photo above is the ‘skeletons’ of plywood after they’ve been CNC cut. It’s become a huge problem of storage and disposal and we’re trying to work out the best way to deal with it. With 100% wood we can give it to our neighbours on canal boats for their wood burners, but with ply and mdf it needs to be burnt in an incinerator, so we have to pay to get it removed, but the question is how and who?

That’s all our thoughts and highlights of this week… time for the weekend!