Basic Digital Skills Workshop

Small Works Victoria is working in collaboration with Net Worx, a Peabody-led project which enables residents of Peabody estates to become Digital Champions and tackle the monster challenges that many face in the fast-paced virtual world of computers and the internet. Net Worx is free of charge and strives to give individual attention to those who attend the computer training workshops. With nibbles and a friendly atmosphere here at Small Works, we hope that this ongoing workshop will build up confidence for many who feel they are alien to the keyboard and screen and provide them with the support and encouragement needed to master the world wide web! So far, we have helped residents to identify the functions of the keyboard and practise their typing skills with a series of online games. There’s been an introduction to the wonders of email and surfing the web, not only for practical information like saving on your energy bills but also exploring each individual’s hobbies such as building your family tree and ancestry knowledge. Not only this, but last week residents became experts in the origins of the tea leaf whilst partaking in a quiz using google’s search engine.What’s next on the cards, or on the new tab should we say?! Skype and learning how to order your groceries to your doorstep are high up on our attendees’ lists of desired skills! As one resident said,“ I suppose if I knew how to use one, I could get myself a laptop, or even better still what about what I see everyone using these days one of those Ipad things?!”.

Mirela Turcanu, Lucy Browne, Jeanette Manu and Peabodycommunity volunteers.