Regent Estate Participatory drawing days and exhibition in March!

We are excited to announce that Small Works Hackney will be pioneering in London the participatory and global art event ‘The Big Laundry‘ (translation from french ‘La grande lessive’) on Regent Estate on March 28 & 29. And you are all invited to be part of it!


Regent Estate participatory drawing days and exhibition on March 28 and 29



The ‘Big Laundry’ is a global art event taking place twice a year on the same day in many communities all over the world. The concept is simple: people in all communities make a drawing on the same theme, and hang their drawing together on a clothesline stretched across their community. The theme for this March event is I HAVE A DREAM OF …



Small Works Hackney  (also known as Workshop 44) has teamed up with The Pink Pony to propose to the Small Works Hackney and Regent Estate community members to participate in this global art event.

We need your help to make this project happen for the first time in London!



Draw your dream for Regent Estate during our drawing drop-in workshops every friday in March 3-6PM at Workshop 44. Peg your dream on our clothesline and visit the exhibition at Marlborough Square on March 28 & 29 from 3PM.



Workshop 44, 44 Marlborough Avenue, London E8 4JR



Have a look at the pictures of the previous events on ‘La grande lessive’ website here!

Join the event on Facebook